Spark Operations Guide#


In the first section of this guide, we are going to perform data import to VAST-DB tables, for migration or other use-cases in which the data is exist on a tabular files - either locally or on S3 and should be ingested to VAST-DB tables.

The second part will walk you through a common SQL operations to demonstrate basic & advance sql-related usage on VastDB tables, using the spark-sql driver.


  • Spark 3.4.1 with scala 2.13 download

  • Java 1.8.0

  • VAST 4.7 or above

  • Spark is up and running with master and worker(s) & configured with VAST-DB

  • VAST-DB Bucket’s created & users have the needed user-identity-policy and roles to use database buckets.

    • S3 User Access & Secret Keys on VAST cluster KB article

    • Tabular Identity Policy with the proper permissions KB article

      • This is an example Identity Policy which will allow all S3 actions on all resources/buckets:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": "*"

Spark Connector - Configuring VastDB with Spark vanilla#

Configuring Spark connector’s jars#

The spark-connector jars can be found in one of your VAST cluster’s CNODE’s

  • Specifically, inside the vast_platform docker container

  • Copy the spark-connector jar’s from the container to outside /tmp dir & create a tar.gz:

  docker cp vast_platform:/vast/spark3 /tmp/spark3
  tar -xczf spark_vastdb.tar.gz /tmp/spark3/*
  • Untar and copy to your host, where the spark is running.

  • Place it inside a dir which is easy to access, like: /opt/spark_vastdb

  • Using the examples below, you will see how a new spark session can be submitted, together with the spark_vastdb jars dir.

Configuring Spark global config with VastDB#

The Spark default config should have the next configuration block, in order to interact with VastDB:

  • endpoint is the IP address of the VAST Cluster

  • data_endpoint is the list of all IPs in the Virtual IP pool



Running the PySpark data-frame insert#

Data-frame Spark write method Apache Spark docs. We are going to use a short PySpark scripts to make it more simple to follow.

Importing multiple Parquet files to VAST-DB table#

A way to run the script :

spark-submit --master spark:master-ip:7077 \
<> \
<bucket-name> <database-name> <table-name> <files-dir>
  • The script will loop through all files with ‘parquet’ extension in the directory you have passed (recursively), and will try to read & ingest the retrieved data frame to a VastDB table.

  • The bucket needs to be created in advance, from the VAST-VMS UI, but Schema & Table names can be created by the script, by passing the names you want.

  • NOTE : If the Schema and Table is already created, it will append the data to the table, if columns schema match.

This script is accepting from the user

  • VAST-DB bucket name

  • DB/Schema name

  • Table name

  • The parquet file path

    • Absolute path

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import sys
import os
import glob
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:
        print("Usage: spark-submit <> <bucket-name> <database-name> <table-name> <files-dir>", file=sys.stderr)

    bucket_name, database_name, table_name, files_dir = sys.argv[1:5]

    spark = SparkSession.builder \
        .appName("PySpark Data Ingestion to VASTDB Catalog") \

    # Creating the database (schema)
    spark.sql(f"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `ndb`.`{bucket_name}`.`{database_name}`")

    # Base directory containing Parquet files
    read_directory = files_dir
    catalog_table_name = f"`ndb`.`{bucket_name}`.`{database_name}`.`{table_name}`"

    # Ingest data for each Parquet file in the directory
    total_start_time = time.time()
    for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(read_directory, '**', '*.parquet'), recursive=True):
            file_start_time = time.time()
            df =
            file_end_time = time.time()
            print(f"File {os.path.basename(file_path)} ingested in {file_end_time - file_start_time} seconds")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"An error occurred while processing {file_path}: {str(e)}", file=sys.stderr)

    total_end_time = time.time()
    print(f"Total ingestion time: {total_end_time - total_start_time} seconds")

Querying with Spark SQL in VAST Database with TPCDS data#

This demonstrates using Spark SQL / Py-spark SQL to query tables in the VAST Database. The examples will illustrate various SQL operations, from basic to complex.

Spawning Spark session using a Py-spark driver with VastDB#

A Python interface for Apache Spark, allowing for data processing and analysis using Spark’s features within Python scripts.

spark-submit --master spark://master-ip:7077   \
  --driver-class-path $(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') \
  --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=$(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') \
  --jars $(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ',') \
  --conf spark.executor.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true

Example: Running Py-Spark SQL with explicit transaction#

In PySpark, SQL functionality enables you to run SQL queries on DataFrames, allowing for complex data manipulation and analysis using familiar SQL syntax within a Python environment.

  • Using the spark.sql method you can run same sql operations / selects within a python script.

  • This approach is also enables the use of VastDB explicit transactions, to ensure ACID operations.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Initialize a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("VastDB SQL Transaction Example").getOrCreate()

    # Start transaction
    spark.sql("SELECT ndb.create_tx()")

    # Execute two insert queries atomically
        INSERT INTO `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
        (c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name)
        VALUES ('1003', 'John', 'Foo')
        INSERT INTO `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
        (c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name)
        VALUES ('1004', 'Jane', 'Bar')

    # Commit the transaction
    spark.sql("SELECT ndb.commit_tx()")

    # Select to show added rows
    updated_rows = spark.sql("""
        SELECT c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name
        FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
        WHERE c_customer_id IN ('1003', '1004')

except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", e)
    # Rollback the transaction in case of an error
    spark.sql("SELECT ndb.rollback_tx()")

# Stop the Spark session


Spawning Spark session using Spark-sql driver with VastDB#

Here we show how to use spark-sql CLI to - a command-line tool for directly executing SQL queries on a Spark cluster which is configured with VastDB spark connector

spark-sql --master spark:master-ip:7077 \
  --driver-class-path $(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') \
  --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=$(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ':') \
  --jars $(echo /opt/spark_vastdb/*.jar | tr ' ' ',') \
  --conf spark.executor.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true \
  --conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory

Basic Data Retrieval#

Querying a Single Table

Operation: Retrieve specific columns.

SELECT c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name
FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`

Explanation: Retrieves the first 10 records from the customer table, including customer ID, first name, and last name.

Filtering Data

Operation: Select data with conditions.

SELECT * FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`store_sales`
WHERE ss_ticket_number = 12345;

Explanation: Retrieves records from store_sales where the ticket number is 12345.

Aggregate Functions#

Summarizing Data

Operation: Aggregate data.

SELECT cs_item_sk, SUM(cs_net_profit) as total_profit
FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`catalog_sales`
GROUP BY cs_item_sk;

Explanation: Calculates the total net profit for each item in catalog_sales. Join Operations

Simple Join

Operation: Combining data from multiple tables.

SELECT c.c_customer_id, c.c_first_name, c.c_last_name, ca.ca_street_name, ca.ca_city
FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer` c 
JOIN `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer_address` ca 
ON c.c_current_addr_sk = ca.ca_address_sk;

Explanation: Joins customer and customer_address tables to retrieve customer details along with their addresses.

Complex Queries#

Multi-table Join with Filtering and Sorting

Operation: Advanced join with filtering and ordering.

    `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer` c
    `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`store_sales` ss
    ON c.c_customer_sk = ss.ss_customer_sk
    `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`item` i
    ON ss.ss_item_sk = i.i_item_sk
    ss.ss_sales_price DESC;

Explanation: A multi-join query using the customer, store_sales, and item tables, retrieves a detailed view of the sales transactions, combining customer information with details of the items they’ve purchased.

Data & Schema manipulations:#

Inserting Data

Insert a Single Row

INSERT INTO `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
(c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name)
VALUES ('1001', 'John', 'Doe');

Insert Multiple Rows

INSERT INTO `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
(c_customer_id, c_first_name, c_last_name)
VALUES ('1002', 'Alice', 'Smith'), ('1003', 'Bob', 'Johnson');

Deleting Data

Delete Specific Rows

DELETE FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
WHERE c_customer_id = '1003';

Delete with Condition

DELETE FROM `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
WHERE c_last_name = 'Johnson';

Altering Table Schema#

Add a New Column

ALTER TABLE `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
ADD COLUMN c_phone_number STRING;

Drop an Existing Column

ALTER TABLE `ndb`.`vastdb-bucket`.`tpcds_schema`.`customer`
DROP COLUMN c_phone_number;

Monitoring SQL operations on Spark-driver UI#

The Spark UI, accessible at http://[driver-node]:4040, is an essential tool for monitoring Spark SQL queries.

  • SQL Tab: Displays a list of executed Spark SQL queries with status, duration, and detailed execution plans.

  • Query Details: Displays insights into logical and physical plans, job and stage info, and execution metrics like time and memory usage.

  • Performance Metrics: Shows execution times, task counts, shuffle read/write metrics, and memory usage for identifying bottlenecks.

  • Resource Utilization: Helps in tuning spark resource allocation by displaying how each executor contributes to query execution.

Spark UI