VastDB restore procedure#


These instructions are BETA.

This document explains the steps involved in restoring a VastDB backup using the provided script. Below, we break down what the script does and how to use it effectively, along with usage examples.


Note that database restore consume the SAME amount of storage space as the original database


The provided script automates the process of restoring data from a VastDB snapshot to a new bucket in VastDB. It is divided into several key parts:

  1. Configuration Setup: The script defines configuration settings such as VastDB endpoint, access keys, bucket names, and snapshot details using the Pydantic library. These settings are then used throughout the script to connect to the database and perform operations.

  2. Logging and Debugging: Logging is set up to facilitate debugging, allowing you to monitor the script’s progress and identify any issues that arise.

  3. Connecting to VastDB and DuckDB: The script establishes a connection to the VastDB instance using the provided configuration. It also connects to DuckDB, which is used later for querying the restored data.

  4. Restoring Tables: The core function, restore_table(), restores each table from the snapshot to the new bucket. It checks if the schema and tables already exist and creates them if they do not.

  5. Processing All Schemas: The function process_all_schemas() iterates through all schemas in the snapshot and calls restore_table() for each table within each schema.

  6. Executing Queries with DuckDB: After the data is restored, the script executes queries using DuckDB to verify the restored data.

Use-Case example#

Imagine a user managing a VastDB database for their organization’s data analytics. The database, named “solutions-analytics-db”, is critical for daily reporting. The user takes periodic snapshots of the database to ensure they have a reliable backup in case anything goes wrong. One day, due to a system error or accidental data corruption, the database becomes unusable, and they need to restore it to an earlier state. Fortunately, they have a recent snapshot called “daily-backup-2024-10-01”. The provided script allows the user to restore their database from this snapshot to a new bucket, enabling them to quickly get back to normal operations without losing much data.

Example Configuration#

Below is the configuration needed for the script:

# Define configuration directly using pydantic without relying on env variables  
class ConsumeConfig(BaseSettings):  
	vastdb_endpoint: str = Field("")  
	vastdb_access_key: str = Field("AKIAX1234567890EXAMPLE")  
	vastdb_secret_key: str = Field("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY")  
	vastdb_bucket: str = Field("solutions-analytics-db")  
	vastdb_new_bucket: str = Field("your-new-bucket-name")

Script Sections to Edit#

Example Configuration#

Here is an example of how the configuration should look like when properly filled out:

# Define configuration directly using pydantic without relying on env variables  
class ConsumeConfig(BaseSettings):  
	vastdb_endpoint: str = Field("")  
	vastdb_access_key: str = Field("AKIAX1234567890EXAMPLE")  
	vastdb_secret_key: str = Field("wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY")  
	vastdb_bucket: str = Field("bucket1")  
	vastdb_snapshot: str = Field("bucket1/.snapshot/dotan-restore-bigdb")  
	vastdb_new_bucket: str = Field("your-new-bucket-name")

You need to update the following fields as per your environment:

  • vastdb_endpoint: The endpoint URL of your VastDB instance.

  • vastdb_access_key and vastdb_secret_key: Your VastDB access credentials.

  • vastdb_bucket: The name of the bucket containing the snapshot.

  • vastdb_new_bucket: The target bucket (VastDB) where the restored data will be placed.

One you fill all needed information you can run the script, The script will now search for avilble snapshots within the bucket and will prompt you to select the Snapshot you wish to restore from, select the desired snapshot and hit enter, the restore phase will now start.


## The actual script


import vastdb  
import duckdb  
import pandas as pd  
from ibis import _  
from pydantic import Field  
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings  
import logging  
import multiprocessing  
from vastdb.util import expand_ip_ranges  
# Setup logging for debugging  
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  
# Define configuration directly using pydantic without relying on env variables  
class ConsumeConfig(BaseSettings):  
	vastdb_endpoint: str = Field("http://vippool-1.vast136-kfs.VastENG.lab")  
	vastdb_access_key: str = Field("9xxxxxxxxxxffffffdeddddddd0")  
	vastdb_secret_key: str = Field("8xxxxxxxxxxxkkdjdjdkdxxxxxxxR")  
	vastdb_bucket: str = Field("dotandb")  
	vastdb_new_bucket: str = Field("dotandb-restored")  
# Load configuration  
config = ConsumeConfig()  
# Log configuration values for debugging  
logger.debug(f"Configured VASTDB endpoint: {config.vastdb_endpoint}")  
logger.debug(f"Configured VASTDB access key: {config.vastdb_access_key}")  
logger.debug(f"Configured VASTDB secret key: {config.vastdb_secret_key}")  
logger.debug(f"Configured VASTDB bucket: {config.vastdb_bucket}")  
logger.debug(f"Configured VASTDB new bucket: {config.vastdb_new_bucket}")  
# Explicitly print endpoint value for direct verification  
print(f"Using VASTDB endpoint: {config.vastdb_endpoint}")  
# Attempt to connect to the VAST instance  
	logger.debug("Attempting to connect to the VAST instance...")  
	logger.debug(f"Connecting to endpoint: {config.vastdb_endpoint}")  
	session = vastdb.connect(  
	)"Connection successful\!")  
except vastdb.errors.ConnectionError as e:  
	logger.error(f"Failed to connect: {e}")  
except Exception as e:  
	logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")  
# Connect to DuckDB  
logger.debug("Connecting to DuckDB...")  
conn = duckdb.connect()"Connected to DuckDB successfully.")  
# Function to restore data for a single table  
def restore_table(schema_name, table_name, snapshot, tx, config, restored_batches):  
    	logger.debug(f"Accessing schema '{schema_name}' and table '{table_name}'...")  
    	get_table = snapshot.schema(schema_name).table(table_name)  
    	table_schema = get_table.arrow_schema  
    	batches =  
    	restored_batches.append((table_name, batches))"Successfully accessed table '{table_name}' from schema '{schema_name}' in the snapshot.")  
    	logger.debug("Accessing the new bucket for restoration...")  
    	restored_bucket = tx.bucket(config.vastdb_new_bucket)  
    	# Check if the schema already exists  
        	logger.debug(f"Checking if schema '{schema_name}' exists...")  
        	restored_schema = restored_bucket.schema(schema_name)  "Schema '{schema_name}' already exists. Using the existing schema.")  
    	except vastdb.errors.MissingSchema:  
        	logger.debug(f"Creating schema '{schema_name}'...")  
        	restored_schema = restored_bucket.create_schema(schema_name)  "Created new schema '{schema_name}' for restoration.")  
    	# Log table creation or usage  
        	logger.debug(f"Creating table '{table_name}'...")  
        	restored_table = restored_schema.create_table(table_name, table_schema)  "Created new table '{table_name}' for restoration.")  
    	except vastdb.errors.TableExists:  
        	logger.debug(f"Table '{table_name}' already exists. Using the existing table...")  
        	restored_table = restored_schema.table(table_name)  "Table '{table_name}' already exists. Using the existing table.")  
    	logger.debug("Inserting data into the restored table...")  
    	for batch in batches:  
        	restored_table.insert(batch)"Data restored successfully to table '{table_name}' in schema '{schema_name}'.")  
	except Exception as e:  
    	logger.error(f"Failed to restore table '{table_name}' in schema '{schema_name}': {e}")  
# Function to handle the restoration process for all schemas and tables  
def process_all_schemas(snapshot, tx, config, restored_batches):  
    	logger.debug("Processing all schemas...")  
    	schemas = snapshot.schemas()  
    	for schema in schemas:  
        	schema_name =  
        	logger.debug(f"Processing schema '{schema_name}'...")  
        	tables = schema.tables()  
        	for table in tables:  
            	table_name =  
            	restore_table(schema_name, table_name, snapshot, tx, config, restored_batches)  
	except Exception as e:  
    	logger.error(f"Failed to process schemas: {e}")  
# Step 1: Access the specified snapshot and restore all schemas and tables  
restored_batches = []  
with session.transaction() as tx:  
    	logger.debug("Accessing the bucket...")  
    	bucket = tx.bucket(config.vastdb_bucket)  
    	logger.debug("Listing available snapshots...")  
    	available_snapshots = bucket.snapshots()  
    	snapshot_names = [ for snap in available_snapshots]  
    	# Text-based selection of snapshot  
    	print("Available snapshots:")  
    	for idx, snap_name in enumerate(snapshot_names):  
        	print(f"{idx + 1}: {snap_name}")  
    	selected_index = int(input("Enter the number corresponding to the snapshot you want to use: ")) - 1  
    	if selected_index < 0 or selected_index >= len(snapshot_names):  
        	logger.error("Invalid selection.")  
    	snapshot_name = snapshot_names[selected_index]  
    	# Log that the snapshot is found  
    	logger.debug(f"Snapshot '{snapshot_name}' found. Proceeding...")  
    	logger.debug(f"Accessing snapshot '{snapshot_name}'...")  
    	snapshot = next(snap for snap in available_snapshots if == snapshot_name)  
    	# Process all schemas and tables  
    	process_all_schemas(snapshot, tx, config, restored_batches)  
	except vastdb.errors.MissingSnapshot as e:  
    	logger.error(f"Snapshot '{snapshot_name}' not found in bucket '{config.vastdb_bucket}': {e}")  
	except Exception as e:  
    	logger.error(f"Failed to access snapshot or schemas: {e}")  
# Step 3: Execute query using DuckDB and print the result  
	logger.debug("Executing query using DuckDB...")  
	for table_name, batches in restored_batches:  
    	for idx, batch in enumerate(batches):  
        	batch_name = f"{table_name}_batch_{idx}"  
        	conn.register(batch_name, batch)  
        	result = conn.execute(f"SELECT \* FROM {batch_name}").fetch_arrow_table()  
        	logger.debug(f"Query executed successfully for {batch_name}. Printing result...")  
        	print(result)"Data fetched and printed successfully.")  
except Exception as e:  
	logger.error(f"Failed to execute query or fetch data: {e}")  

Usage Example#

To run the script, you will need to:

  1. Ensure Python Dependencies Are Installed: Install the required Python libraries using pip:

pip install vastdb duckdb pandas ibis pydantic logging
  1. Run the Script: Execute the script using Python:

  1. Select desired Snapshot: to use from the list:

restore list

  1. Check Logs: The script logs important information about the restore process. Use the logs to verify that the connection is established and that all tables are restored successfully.

Quick Usage Demo#

Key Functions Explained#

restore_table(schema_name, table_name, snapshot, tx, config)#

This function handles the restoration of a single table:

  • Connects to the specified schema and table in the snapshot.

  • Creates the schema and table in the target bucket if they do not exist.

  • Inserts data from the snapshot to the new table in the restored bucket.

process_all_schemas(snapshot, tx, config)#

This function iterates over all schemas in the snapshot and restores each table.

  • It uses restore_table() to handle each table within a schema.

DuckDB Integration#

After restoring data, DuckDB is used to execute queries and print results, providing a way to verify that data restoration is successful.

Troubleshooting Tips#

  • Connection Errors: Ensure that the VastDB endpoint and credentials are correct. Check network connectivity if connection issues persist.

  • Missing Snapshot: Verify that the specified snapshot exists in the bucket by listing available snapshots in the logs.

  • Table Restoration Failures: Ensure that there are no conflicting table names or schema issues in the target bucket.