Trino Query Time Merge (id)#

Handling Duplicates and Latest Updates with Trino

In this guide, we demonstrate how to manage duplicates at query time and retain the latest updates using Trino SQL. Similar to Apache Spark’s window functions, Trino’s window functions enable you to:

  • Partition the data based on a unique identifier (id).

  • Order the records by a timestamp (or another field to determine the most recent entry).

  • Assign row numbers to isolate and filter the latest record.

By leveraging this approach, we can efficiently handle large datasets while ensuring that only the most up-to-date information is processed.

1. Sample Data#

Let’s assume we have a table sample_data with duplicate records:

CREATE TABLE sample_data (
    id INTEGER,
    name VARCHAR,
    timestamp TIMESTAMP

(1, 'Alice', TIMESTAMP '2024-11-18 10:00:00'),
(2, 'Bob', TIMESTAMP '2024-11-18 11:00:00'),
(1, 'Alice Updated', TIMESTAMP '2024-11-18 12:00:00'), -- Duplicate ID with later timestamp
(3, 'Charlie', TIMESTAMP '2024-11-18 09:00:00'),
(2, 'Bob Updated', TIMESTAMP '2024-11-18 12:00:00');   -- Duplicate ID with later timestamp

2. Remove Duplicates and Keep the Latest Record#

To remove duplicates and retain the most recent record for each id, we use Trino’s window functions.

WITH ranked_data AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY id 
            ORDER BY timestamp DESC
        ) AS row_num
    FROM sample_data
SELECT id, name, timestamp
FROM ranked_data
WHERE row_num = 1;






Alice Updated

2024-11-18 12:00:00


Bob Updated

2024-11-18 12:00:00



2024-11-18 09:00:00

3. Why is the Window Function Required?#

a) Partitioning Data
The PARTITION BY id groups the data by the id column. This allows each id to be processed independently, isolating duplicates within each group.

b) Sorting Within Partitions
The ORDER BY timestamp DESC sorts records within each partition, ensuring the most recent record is at the top.

c) Row Number Assignment
Using ROW_NUMBER() assigns a unique rank to each record based on the descending order of the timestamp. The most recent record for each id is assigned row_num = 1.

d) Filtering for the Latest Record
Finally, filtering where row_num = 1 retains only the most recent record for each id, effectively eliminating duplicates.

4. Optimizing Data Processing with Filters#

Processing the entire dataset might not always be necessary. To optimize performance, apply filters before using window functions:

  • Filter by Time Window:
    Process only records within a specific time range:

    SELECT *
    FROM sample_data
    WHERE timestamp BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2024-01-01' AND TIMESTAMP '2024-01-31';
  • Filter by Entity:
    Focus on data for a specific entity:

    SELECT *
    FROM sample_data
    WHERE id = 12345;

By applying these filters in your query, you reduce the dataset size and improve query performance.


In this guide, we demonstrated how to handle duplicates and retain the latest updates using Trino’s window functions. The process involves:

  • Partitioning data by a unique identifier (id).

  • Sorting records by a timestamp to identify the most recent entries.

  • Using ROW_NUMBER() to filter and keep only the latest record.

This approach is efficient and scalable, ensuring that large datasets are processed accurately to maintain only the most up-to-date information.