Querying Data#
See also
The Vast DB SDK API Documentation is available here.
This notebook is in the process of being migrated to Vast Data Platform Field Docs. It will probably not run yet.
Query and Filter#
Filtering VAST-DB Supports filtering using a complete set of predicates. These predicates can be used directly with the VAST-DB APIs or used by analytics engines that can “push down” operations to VAST-DB.
Filtering Mechanics
When searching for data, VAST-DB will use a distributed tree scan operation over range blocks in the element store, comparing the metadata in the bitmap blocks and eliminating blocks/sections of the tree based on min/max values. The search efficiency is directly related to the randomness of the column data referred to by the bitmap blocks. Best case scenario would be a search over a column whose values range linearly (greatest to least or least to greatest) relative to the keyspace without any overlap in the index blocks - reads of data blocks to find matching data are largely eliminated in this case. While the worst case would be a search on data that is random relative to the key space forcing reads on large sections of column data to perform comparisons. VAST-DB 5.0 will support sorted projections which will act similarly to indices to enable “best case” (ordered) scenarios on a given column or columns.
If we compare it with Parquet it allows us to store the data in much smaller elements and at a very fine granular level which is 4000x smaller compared to a standard parquet file with 128MB.
The Data is distributed and sorted. We are keeping min and max stats and the count for each column. This allows us to allow for filter push downs and we are able to skip and reduce the amount of data that we have to transfer back to the query engine.
Usage: Execute a data query on a specified table within a bucket and schema. This function allows for complex queries, including filters and projections, on the table data.
(list[str], optional): List of column names to be included in the query. If None, all columns are included.predicate
(dict, optional): A filter to apply to the query. See filters-and-projections for more details.config
(QueryConfig, optional): Configuration options for the query execution. If None, default configuration is used. See the source for vastdb.table.QueryConfig.internal_row_id
(bool, optional): If True, includes the internal row ID in the query.
: A reader object that can be iterated to retrieve the query results as record batches.
: If the serialized query data request size exceeds the maximum allowed size.StoppedException
: If the stop event is set during the execution of the query.
Create a table with Citizen information#
Specify the Citizen Table#
## Define the Table name for the citizen table
Define the Citizen Table#
import pyarrow as pa
from vastdb.errors import TableExists
ARROW_SCHEMA = pa.schema([
('Citizen_Age', pa.int64()),
('Citizen_Name', pa.string()),
('Citizen_experience', pa.float64()),
('Is_married', pa.bool_()),
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.create_table(table_name=TABLE_NAME, columns=ARROW_SCHEMA)
print(f"Table created: {table.name}")
except TableExists as e:
print("Couldn't create table because it already exists:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't create table:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Table created: pythonsdkcitizen
Insert rows into the Citizen Table#
ROWS = {
'Citizen_Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Koko', 'Menny'],
'Citizen_Age': [45, 38, 27, 51],
'Citizen_experience': [25.5, 17.9, 5.3, 28.2],
'Is_married': [True, False, False, True]
PA_RECORD_BATCH = pa.RecordBatch.from_pydict(ROWS)
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
print("Data inserted.")
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't insert data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Data inserted.
This uses the RecordBatch.from_pydict method. See also:
Query the table and list all rows for the Citizen Table#
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select()
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | Is_married | |
0 | 45 | Alice | 25.5 | True |
1 | 38 | Bob | 17.9 | False |
2 | 27 | Koko | 5.3 | False |
3 | 51 | Menny | 28.2 | True |
This uses the Table.to_pandas method. See also:
(Filter) Predicates in VastdbApi#
You can use these predicates in the VastdbApi API:
: Equal ->'column_name': ['eq value']
: Greater Than or Equal ->'column_name': ['ge value']
: Greater Than ->'column_name': ['gt value']
: Less Than ->'column_name': ['lt value']
: Less Than or Equal ->'column_name': ['le value']
: Checks for null values ->'column_name': ['is_null']
: Checks for non-null values ->'column_name': ['is_not_null']
Note:If using pandas dataframe, pandas predicates can also be used. (Perfomance might be reflected because it’s not API-native filters)
Filter Columns#
We want to filter and project only the following columns:
COLUMNS=['Citizen_Age', 'Citizen_Name', 'Citizen_experience']
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select(columns=COLUMNS)
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | |
0 | 45 | Alice | 25.5 |
1 | 38 | Bob | 17.9 |
2 | 27 | Koko | 5.3 |
3 | 51 | Menny | 28.2 |
Filter data and columns#
(Citizen_Age > 37) AND (Citizen_experience <= 40) limit 10
from ibis import _
PREDICATE = (_.Citizen_Age > 37) & (_.Citizen_experience <= 40)
COLUMNS = ['Citizen_Age', 'Citizen_Name', 'Citizen_experience']
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select(columns=COLUMNS, predicate=PREDICATE)
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | |
0 | 45 | Alice | 25.5 |
1 | 38 | Bob | 17.9 |
2 | 51 | Menny | 28.2 |
(Citizen_Age = 45) OR (Citizen_Age = 51)
from ibis import _
PREDICATE = (_.Citizen_Age.isin([45,51]))
COLUMNS = ['Citizen_Age', 'Citizen_Name', 'Citizen_experience']
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select(columns=COLUMNS, predicate=PREDICATE)
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | |
0 | 45 | Alice | 25.5 |
1 | 51 | Menny | 28.2 |
(Citizen_experience <= 28) AND (Citizen_Age between 30 to 60)
from ibis import _
PREDICATE = (_.Citizen_experience >= 28) & (_.Citizen_Age >= 30) & (_.Citizen_Age <= 60)
COLUMNS = ['Citizen_Age', 'Citizen_Name', 'Citizen_experience']
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select(columns=COLUMNS, predicate=PREDICATE)
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | |
0 | 51 | Menny | 28.2 |
Query a table using Pandas predicates#
This performs client side querying.
with session.transaction() as tx:
schema = tx.bucket(DATABASE_NAME).schema(name=DATABASE_SCHEMA, fail_if_missing=False)
if schema:
table = schema.table(name=TABLE_NAME)
reader = table.select()
pyarrow_table = pa.Table.from_batches(reader)
df = pyarrow_table.to_pandas()
# pandas client side querying
display(df[(df['Citizen_Age'] == 38) & (df['Citizen_experience'] > 2)].head(10))
except Exception as e:
print("Couldn't select data:", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Schema doesn't exist:", e)
Citizen_Age | Citizen_Name | Citizen_experience | Is_married | |
1 | 38 | Bob | 17.9 | False |